
  1. Move the entire directory
  2. Move the whole database. (.lbk file extension)
  3. Move a specific vehicle from a database containing many vehicles. (.lpd file extension)

Option 1:

  1. Close the Little LogBook software on both computers.
  2. Copy the Little LogBook Global directory/folder from your old computer's C drive to an external hard drive.
  3. Connect the external hard drive to your new computer.
  4. Paste the Little LogBook Global directory/folder into the C drive of your new computer.
  5. Open the folder, locate the LittleLogBookGlobal.exe application, right click on it and select an option to send to desktop create a shortcut.
  6. Double-click on the shortcut to launch the application.

Option 2:

  1. Open your Little LogBook Global software on the old computer
  2. Click on the Administration tab
  3. Click on the Backup button (a copy is saved by default to C:/Little LogBook Global/Backup  (or User defined location))
  4. Open your Windows Explorer on the old computer
  5. Copy the latest back up file (.lbk) to a location accessible from the new computer 
  6. Download and install the Little LogBook Global software on the new computer
  7. Click on the Administration tab
  8. Click on the Restore button
  9. Direct it to the location of the recently backed up file (.lbk)

Option 3:

  1. Open your Little LogBook Global software on the old computer
  2. Click on the Vehicle tab
  3. Click on the Export Vehicle button (User defined location for the exported vehicle database (.lpd))
  4. Download and install the Little LogBook Global software on the new computer
  5. Click on the Vehicle tab
  6. Click on the Import Vehicle button
  7. Direct it to the location of the recently exported vehicle database (.lpd)